お食事のご紹介 meal

食べる enjoy the meal

Enjoy your local grocery
shopping and cooking

We have all the delicacies from the sea and mountains of Minami Izu.
Please enjoy the fun of making it.
We also recommend taking out local gourmet food.

fresh vegges採れたての野菜

Fresh and healthy vegetables
from natural farms

The area around Ametsuchi is our farm.
Enjoy healthy vegetables grown naturally and without the use of pesticides.

The vegetables harvested at the natural farm "Nihonbare" vary depending on the season and climate.
Please contact us for details.
Additionally, advance reservations are required for ordering vegetables, so please refer to the Nihonbare website for details.

self cookingセルフクッキング

Cook in the kitchen, irori-fireplace,
or garden BBQ space

BBQ in the garden is also recommended.

What you have in the kitchen

  • Refrigerator / Microwave / Toaster / Electric kettle
  • Gas stove (grilled fish, not usable)
  • Our recommended basic seasonings(sugar, salt, soy sauce, rice oil)
  • Processed products from “Nihonbare” (available for purchase)(Homemade jam, lemongrass tea, lemonade, etc.)
  • Recipe book (available for purchase)

※Please contact us for other details.

local produce食材の調達

One of the best parts of traveling
is finding delicious food.

Let's go looking for ingredients unique to Minami Izu at roadside stations and direct sales shops!

Recommended stores

Recommended Information Site

The Minami Izu Tourism Association page is also full of gourmet information.
Please take a look.

You can also check the stores shown below in this map.
Please check each store's website for detailed information such as business dates and times.

  • お問い合わせ Contact

    For questions about accommodation,
    Please contact us using the Contact Page.

  • ご予約 Booking

    Please check the details regarding

Natural Farm Nihon-bare's vegetables are grown in fertile soil without the use of pesticides.
Please also check out this official website.